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You are useless-so you think

“For God so [greatly] loved and dearly prized the world, that He [even] gave His [One and] only begotten Son, so that whoever believes and trusts in Him [as Savior] shall not perish, but have eternal life. John 3:16 AMP

“Life was never meant to be lived without God”- The 700 Club

A product made without revealing the creator’s intent is useless. The product can be misused, left unused with so much potential- imagine for instance an iPhone X in the hands of a person who doesn’t know its use. What a waste, huh? So are humans without our Creator, without a knowledge of the Creator’s intent. We are useless, we can be misused, left with potential untapped.

So how can I know why I am on earth? My purpose, my reason for being? Am I simply a product of unbridled emotions between by parents, am I fruit of a desire to create life together or am I more than that? Does my value lie within the hands of the One who intricately crafted the Sun, veins of leaves, 8 billion and counting hearts, the One whose intelligent design is scattered across the globe? Haha, scratch that, the One whose intelligent design is the globe! I’m learning that my value is in His hands. I am created with intent. Not just chocolate coloured skin stretched over strong bones. I am not just a beating heart kept alive by its proper functioning. I am not just a body in motion without value. There’s more to me, more to see.

How do I then know this purpose, my reason for existence? Well, if someone finds an iPhone X and has a twinkling of insight into the phone’s value, they would search out instructions wouldn’t they? Or even the Creator at least- that sure is the bolder option. With the Creator and instructions, that phone certainly cannot go to waste. Let the phone calling, app downloading, note making, photo taking, Siri usage and more begin.

So, with a bothersome itch that there certainly has to be more to life, what do I do? Where are my instructions, how do I contact my Creator. It definitely can’t be through No, I am way more valuable than a phone and have a more remarkable Creator. I can reach out to the Creator-God. How? By simply calling out, asking this Creator to help, showing why I am here. I can ask people who know the Creator to help me know about this One more. I can ask for instructions. I’ve seen it to be the powerful transformative Holy Bible-written by men but inspired by God with billions testifying to its great ability to reveal the Creator’s intent.

‘cause sharing is caring <3,


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